Streamline Your External & Venue Booking Process
Booking a room or space in your organization is a breeze with the link generated by the Gaia Workspace System. The Gaia External Booking function offers a user-friendly solution for easy scheduling, organizing, and managing events and facility rentals.

Generate a link easily for anyone to schedule
Admins can turn on the External Booking function in Gaia Workspace. An External Booking link will be generated. The generated External Booking link can be shared with anyone, regardless of whether they are part of the organization or not.
Automate the link generation process
Transparent room rates and pricing rules
Improve communication and engagement between vendors and customers
Manage room price and orders with flexibility
Gaia Workspace provides flexible management of pricing rules for each room. Users can book venues based on their requirements and easily place orders. Admins have the ability to manage orders effortlessly.
Effortlessly handle and oversee all your room orders through our intuitive interface
Seamlessly customize pricing modules to meet specific requirements and adapt to diverse scenarios
Achieve greater financial efficiency by leveraging Gaia Workspace's advanced cost management features

Sync your booking on Gaia Workspace Calendar
Gaia Workspace calendar syncs all your bookings and orders, ensuring there are no duplicates and providing a clear view of your schedule. Users can conveniently modify or cancel orders within the calendar.
Streamline all your schedules and bookings
Easily modify or cancel your orders
Gain a visual overview of all your bookings and plans in one place
Trusted by Leading Companies and Organizations
(No credit card required)